Wednesday, January 30, 2013



In a move that will drastically reduce the city's energy consumption by a whopping 60% and at the same time allow it to do its share to help fight global warming, the City of San Juan has decided to phase out conventional High Pressure Sodium street lamps and replace these with BrightLux LED (Light Emitting Diode) lamps. Mayor Guia G. Gomez and members of the San Juan City Council approved the Brightlux LED street lighting pilot project initially installed along Ortega Street, with other major city thoroughfares following very soon. More BrightLux LED projects in the pipeline in this city are the lighting of the San Juan Mini Park as well as the San Juan City Hall.
BrightLux LED lamps are the newest energy-saving products gaining popularity and headway in industrial applications because they are highly energy-efficient in their performance as well as in their manufacture. Other notable advantages over High Pressure Sodium lamps are that once installed, BrightLux LED lamps offer zero maintenance and can virtually replace HPS light points without any need for any special adaptation.. Compared with CFLs or compact fluorescent lamps, BrightLux LED lamps are 3 times more efficient, possessing 40,000 - 50,000 hours burning hours; more importantly, LED lamps do not contain mercury and are therefore safe and environment-friendly. Without a doubt, there is no other technology that can match LED's efficiency, safety and working hours.

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